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What are the methods of Screening & Diagnosis?

A physical examination is generally required for the diagnosis of an inguinal hernia. Your doctor will enquire about your symptoms and examine the bulge in your groin. A cough test may be ordered to check for protrusion when pressure is applied, which can confirm presence of direct or indirect inguinal hernia.

Imaging tests such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer tomography (CT) scan may be ordered to determine if the intestine or other internal organs has protruded into the bulge.

Your doctor may suggest blood and stool tests tests to confirm any trapped tissue. White blood cell and red blood cell counts indicate if the bulge is inflamed or infected, or if there is death of tissue or bleeding. Stool tests may also help to determine if the intestine has been trapped.

Your doctor may also suggest special tests for diagnosis which include:
  • Biopsy: Your doctor may remove a sample from the herniated site and check for the presence of cancer.
  • Herniagram: Your doctor will inject a radio-opaque liquid into the abdominal cavity which will fill in the hole of the cavity. The liquid filled bulged area will show up on X-ray images, and confirm the presence of a hernia.